Find us at 222 Boulevard Saint-Germain - 75007 Paris

Richard Ryde is a British national, with thirty years' experience acting for English speaking clients in French law matters and assisting  French clients in international matters (particularly those involving the UK).

Originally admitted to the Bar of England and Wales in 1986, he has practised in Paris since 1990 and was admitted to the Paris Bar in 1992.

The practice areas referred to on this site – in particular commercial and employment – are the core areas of expertise built up over many years, based on the practical  needs primarily of UK clients. In these key areas, Richard has considerable experience enabling him to deal personally with most cases.

Working personally in these key areas, and having an extensive informal network of service providers, Richard is able to deliver legal services at a cost which is highly competitive compared with traditional legal firms. He deals with cases not only in Paris but throughout France.

If you need a preliminary view regarding any French law or international matter, contact Richard by telephone or email and he will be pleased to discuss your case in an initial call without any charge or obligation.

Practice areas

International commercial dispute resolution, particularly in the fields of commercial contracts, unfair competition, employment and real estate.

Commercial contracts & Commercial agency

Commercial contracts, notably commercial agency contracts, distribution, sale of goods, joint ventures and other forms of commercial or industrial cooperation. 

​​​​​​​Advice, assistance and representation for UK and US groups with subsidiaries, branches or other operations in France as well as for employees on all employment matters. Assistance with all employment needs, including assistance in setting up payroll and externalising HR.

​​​​​​​Commercial and residential real estate matters, contentious and non-contentious. 

​​​​​​​Agent for real estate transactions in accordance with the rules of the Paris Bar.


Clear advice, practical solutions

Transparent and flexible approach to fees

Modern working practices
